Jenna! Fleur Roosdett – Graphic Designer
Jenna! Fleur Roosdett joined the Buzzbizz Creative team in 2014 after graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Alaska Anchorage, where she worked as a leader and designer for multiple student organizations: including Student Activities, The Northern Light Student Newspaper, and various student-lead clubs.
Jenna!’s love for the digital arts started early in life, as she awkwardly tinkered with Microsoft Paint and KidPix. From then on, her passion for lifelong learning centered around graphic design and her obsessive need for quality sparked her interest in illustration, photography, and ye olde art of printmaking. Jenna! is the type of soul who will go above and beyond all expectations to make someone’s day and strives to get her clients excited about projects that just /need/ to get done. She works best with one of her three kitties on her lap and a Disney blu-ray playing in the background, but throw her on any computer with Adobe and you’ll get some stunning designs.
Jenna! has brought her fine art background to many Buzzbizz Creative design projects, such as USA Powerlifting, Great Northern Cannabis, Christmas Towne, Kenny Creek Lodge, Orthopedic Research Clinic of Alaska (ORCA), American Lung Association’s Smoke Free Housing, Da Poke Man, Good Deal Magazine, and PJ’s Alaskan Wood Craft.